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Collective Investment Trust (CIT) Overview

As the retirement plan industry has evolved, so has the structure of investment vehicles used in 401(k) plans. Despite many believing that collective investment trusts (CITs) are new, CITs have been available for decades (first launched in 1927) and were offered in very early 401(k) plans.

As of 2023, 84% of defined contribution plans have at least one CIT in them, up from only 48% in 2013*. The CIT market growth is outperforming overall defined contribution and defined benefits market growth**. So why the increase in CIT adoption and should plan advisors and sponsors consider CITs?

Learn more about CITs in this whitepaper.

(Sources: *Cerulli Associates, The Cerulli Report — **Callan Institute’s 2023 Defined Contribution Survey of plan sponsors)